Center for Entrepreneurial and Innovative Management (CEIM)


The Center for Entrepreneurial and Innovative Management (CEIM) is an interdisciplinary transfer center established at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in 2014. It was under his aegis that the annual HHL SpinLab Investors Day was launched, bringing together founders, investors and companies and now organized by SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator.


“SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator” is an integrated part of the overall CEIM concept of HHL. Located on the creative and inspiring area of the Spinnerei Leipzig (Leipzig’s cotton mill) it was established at the beginning of 2015. It is financed by investors and its use for established companies.

Besides access to required infrastructure (co-working offices) founding and innovation teams benefit from intensive coaching and consulting as well as mentoring, from HHL’s excellent networks of investors and entrepreneurs, from supporting service providers and from the opportunities to exchange experiences internationally.

The unique idea of “SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator” is that this platform can not only be used by startups but also by established companies. The focus is on innovative, internationally scalable business ideas. The program is limited to a maximum of 6 months at no charge and with no equity holding. Moreover, there is the opportunity of using additional other office spaces on Leipzig’s cotton mill to foster the further growth of the company.


Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler
Academic Director | Center for Corporate Transactions and Private Equity (CCTPE)
HHL Gründerinnen-Initiative
Dr. Caroline Große
HHL Female Founders Initiative
Prof. Dr. Claudia Lehmann
LF Group Chair of Digital Innovation in Service Industries
Prof. Dr. Vivek K. Velamuri
Chair of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer
Prof. Dr. Dominik Kanbach
Chair of Strategic Entrepreneurship
Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management and Digital Entrepreneurship
Prof. Dr. Dr. Kelvin W. Willoughby
Stiftungsfonds Deutsche Bank Chair of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann
Director | Institute for Family Businesses & Entrepreneurial Succession (IFU)
Dr. Maximilian Schreiter
Executive Director I Institute for Family Businesses & Entrepreneurial Succession (IFU)