Chair of Mergers and Acquisitions



  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann (Chairholder)
  • Fiona-Paola Krause (Team Assistant)
  • Louisa Heiduk (Research Associate, on parental leave)
  • Yannick Schon (Research Associate)

Research Areas

  • Asset pricing
  • Corporate valuation
  • Capital structure
  • Mergers and acquisitions


  • S-Beteiligungen, Stefan Leermann
  • Wachstumsfonds Mittelstand Sachsen (WMS), Harald Rehberg


  • Corporate Valuation
  • Risk Management
  • Financial Management
  • Finance
Alexander Lahmann, Lehrstuhlinhaber des Lehrstuhls für Mergers und Acquisitions

Foster ideas to turn risk into return.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann
Chair of Mergers and Acquisitions

What we do

The core competencies of the Chair of Mergers and Acquisitions are in the fields of corporate valuation and digital analytics.

Current research includes the analysis of the determinants of contingencies and capital structure decisions. Another major research area comprises the techniques and pricing tools in corporate valuation.

The Chair furthermore fosters the knowledge exchange between academia and practice. We can rely on strong regional and national partners for that purpose. The last years have shown how important our specific knowledge in corporate valuation and digital analytics is for the future viability of small- and midsized companies. Based on the latest developments in research, we enable those companies to make profound financial decisions.

Our teaching paradigm aims at providing students with state of the art knowledge and tools in finance. In order to do so, we combine analytical and empirical techniques with real-life case situation. Our courses prepare students for the growing importance of financial decision making while providing them with the appropriate tools.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Lahmann

Corporate finance and asset pricing is one of the most challenging and rewarding fields in economics. Beyond finding an appropriate price or value, making right investment decisions and knowing how to finance those, corporate finance is about inspiration. Being deeply embedded within every corporation, it is about identifying new revenue streams, showing which strategies generate value and which not, as well as stabilizing the cash flows generated using financial tools to even cut through economic difficulties. The quote of Paul Samuelson „Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” supports the long-term perspective of corporate finance and asset pricing.

Therefore, my aim is to encourage students to capture a thorough and deep understanding of quantitative relations, to inspire using the obtained knowledge to leave the safety harbour and to set out for new opportunities. Take on a critical perspective, understand complex economic interrelations and know how to use the financial tools of tomorrow.
In 2018, I became Professor of Mergers and Acquisitions at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. After studying economics with a specific focus on financial economics at Freie Universität Berlin, I joined HHL for my doctoral studies. After that I became Junior Professor of M&A of SME at HHL.  Since then, I have continuously broadened my knowledge within the fields of asset pricing and corporate financial decision making. I am an active member of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) and the European Accounting Association (EAA).
Besides my academic career, I always kept a close link to the financial practice to intensify the extensive experience gained in banking and corporate finance when working for well-known banks and financial advisories.

If you are interested in an interview or a press photo, please contact Elisa Vetter (Media Relations Manager).



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