Center for Health Care Management and Regulation


Academic Directors

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Beivers

Research Areas

  • Digital health
  • Leadership in health care
  • Infection management
  • Health care services and health technology assessment
  • Supply management in hospitals
  • Clinical risk and emergency management
  • Ethics and economy in medicine


  • AMD Netz NRW e.V., Germany (AMD Network North Rhine-Westfalia – Supporting patients with age-related makular degeneration)
  • Centrum für Krankenhausmanagement (CKM), Muenster, Germany (Center for hospital management)
  • CKM Cirkel e.V., Germany (Association for the support of organization and leadership competencies in health care institutions)
  • European Health Management Association (EHMA)
  • EurSafety Health-Net – Euroregional network for patient safety and infection prevention
  • Medical Data Institute – International Institute for Health Economics, Starnberg, Germany
  • DGFM e.V. – German Association for Leadership and Market Orientation in Medical Care
  • Netzwerk Gesundheitswirtschaft Münsterland (Health economy network for the Münsterland region)

What we do

The Center for Health Care Management and Regulation (CHCMR) was founded in December 2013. The two academic directors, Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff and Prof. Dr. Andreas Beivers are leading the Center.
The Center connects with an interdisciplinary basis medical, economical and legal questions, which cover the basis of general legal national insurance as well as the differentiated arrangement of particular areas and its protagonists, as e.g. the hospital’s position and arrangement, the medical profession and the pharmaceutical and medical devices market.
Academic Director Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff on the background of the Center: “Hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry will be organized in completely new forms of integrative health care networks. Their development, regulation and optimization will require considerable research and transfer activities as well as significantly improved offers in further education for executives in the health care sector, and for different kinds of medical and health care professionals.”
The CHCMR is especially involved in executive education, national initiatives and international research projects.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff

Since 2013 I have been working with HHL as an Academic Director at the Center for Health Care Management and Regulation, being responsible for the specialty of “International Health Care and Hospital Management”.
Beforehand I held a chair for “Hospital Management” at the University of Muenster.

HHL stands for both application-oriented research on a quality level matching international standards and practically oriented teaching based on profound research.
Likewise, my professional path is coined by the interconnection of practice and science. I started my career in the position of a member of the Board of Directors at the University Clinic of Gießen. Next, I worked with an international automotive company, managing organization, IT and logistics. In 1994 I assumed the direction of the Center for Hospital Management, a research institute linked to the faculties of medicine and business administration at the University of Muenster.
I am member of several boards of directors in industrial companies as well as in hospitals.

I am following a translational research approach focused on both the analysis of mismanagement in the area of regulatory policy in health care and process improvement in the areas supply chain management, theatre management and medical controlling. Also health technology assessment and leadership are on my research agenda. My outstanding research area relates to the medical provision of populations assessed by the criteria access, quality and financial sustainability: I conducted the REDIA study about the consequences of the DRG implantation on the rehabilitation sector, developed a concept for effective medical provision for people suffering from age-related maculae degeneration and I worked on the improvement of the infection situation in Europe within the scope of the EU-promoted projects “health-i-care” and EurSafety Health-Net”.
I chair the special interest group “Best Practices and Benchmarking of Hospitals and Health Care Systems”, an initiative of the European Health Management Association (EHMA) and I am senior reviewer of the journal “Frontiers in Public Health”.

If you are interested in an interview or a press photo, please contact Elisa Vetter (Media Relations Manager).

Our team

Wilfried von Eiff
Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff
Center for Health Care Management and Regulation (CHCMR)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beivers
Center for Health Care Management and Regulation (CHCMR)


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