HHL Spirit Festival 2023 | The Annual Alumni Homecoming




November 17-19, 2023

7.00 p.m. - 2.00 a.m. (CET)

Welcome to HHL Spirit Festival 2023 – The Annual Alumni Homecoming

The annual Alumni Homecoming is organized by the HHL Alumni Association e.V. in order to bring together HHL alumni from various years of graduation and different study programs.

HHL alumni and their partners are invited to spend a weekend in Leipzig.

Most of the program is free of charge, participation in the alumni dinner & the party on Saturday will be EUR 140 (including food and certain drinks like beer, wine, water, DJ, welcome drink) – For Alumni of the HHL Alumni Association e.V. a discount of 15% on the dinner ticket is granted. Please log in to the HHLAA platform before purchasing your ticket to receive the discount.


Friday, November 17

Saturday, November 18

  • 10:30 a.m. | Academic Festival |@HHL Campus
    10.30 a.m.-11.00 a.m. | Welcome & Opening of the Academic Festival by Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth, Dean of HHL | @Schmalenbach Building
    11.30 a.m.-12.15 p.m. | Lecture & Q&A by Prof. Dr. Erik Maier on the topic of “Online Marketing” with HHL alumna Nina Ascheron-Polter (Director Brands @Bonial, part of Axel Springer SE) as a guest speaker on the topic of „The Importance of Retail Media for Online Marketing” | @Schmalenbach Building
    12.30 p.m.-01.00 p.m. | Lecture & Q&A by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Althammer on the topic of “Monetary policy and inflation” | @HHL Schmalenbach Building10.30 a.m.-01.00 p.m. | Campus Tours | Digital Space | Networking | @HHL Campus – different rooms
  • 04.15 p.m. | Insights @(smow) Leipzig, store for design furniture
    Are you curious about design classics? Learn why HHL alumni David Dimitrov and Michael Petersen (from the diploma classes K11 and K11) got passionate about “things that last” (i.e. design furniture), why they founded (smow)/labelfarm GmbH and what all of this has to do with sustainability.
  • 05.15 p.m. | Guided Tour | @Opera Leipzig
    Please note: Registration is closed since we have reached the maximum number of participants.
    Welcome by Tobias Wolff, Director of the Leipzig Opera House (HHL alumnus from the full-time MBA class M10)
  • 05.15 p.m. | Contemporary Art Tour | @Club International 
    Welcome by Alexander Krupp, Founder & Owner of E30 Art Gallery (HHL alumnus from the diploma Program class K21). From him and Steve Uhlig we’ll learn about contemporary art and why like provide different spaces that promote young and upcoming artists. Moreover, they aim to encourage a dialogue between artists, collectors and art enthusiasts.
  • 06.30 p.m. | Homecoming Dinner | @Felix Club and Restaurant
    at the ROOF TOP BAR (Please use the lift to go to the 7th floor)
    Reception | Dinner | Dancing – Welcome back to the legendary “Graduate School of Disco” – DJ Flash (Jens) Goerdten (HHL alumnus from the full-time MBA class M10) will make sure to get your best dance moves out of you, please bring your dancing shoes!!!
    Costs: EUR 140 (including food and certain drinks like beer, wine, water, DJ, welcome drink) – For Alumni of the HHL Alumni Association e.V. a discount of 15% on the dinner ticket is granted. Please log in to the HHLAA platform before purchasing your ticket to receive the discount. 

    Cocktails, spirits and long-drinks are available at a cash bar.

    Dresscode for the Dinner event is COCKTAIL.

More information and registration via: https://alumni.hhl.de/events/

HHL Alumni Association
The purpose of the HHLAA is to promote the welfare of HHL and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between HHL and its alumni. The HHLAA helps alumni connect with their alma mater and with fellow graduates through online services such as a global directory, events and activities as well as continuing education programs. One of the main events organized by HHLAA is the yearly Homecoming (now HHL Spirit Festival), where all HHL alumni are invited to Leipzig to meet up with fellow students, professors and faculty staff again. Moreover, regional events are conducted throughout the year all over Europe. In addition, the HHL Alumni Association sponsors selected student initiatives and administers student awards. alumni.hhl.de