HHL Campus - Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig
Please contact the Venture Capital Club directly via vcc@hhl.de and mention “I want to Participate in the Investment Cup” in the title to receive an invitation.
The Investment Cup brought to you by the HHL Venture Capital Club
… is a competition where students immerse themselves in the dynamic world of Venture Capital at Germany’s oldest and most entrepreneurial business school – HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. Organized with unwavering enthusiasm by our dedicated students, this event is not just a competition; it’s an exhilarating journey filled with passion, innovation, and endless possibilities. Be part of the excitement as we welcome some of the brightest student competitors, engage with insightful judges, and spark thought-provoking conversations that will leave you inspired and energized.
In 2021, the Investment Cup was established, and previous participants have achieved remarkable careers in renowned companies like Point Nine Capital, McKinsey or Barclays.
Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this extraordinary experience!
Key Data
Where: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Jahnallee 59, 04109 Leipzig
What’s in it for you?
Then don’t hesitate and join us for the Investment Cup in Leipzig!
Who is behind the Investment Cup?
The Venture Capital Club (VCC) is a student initiative at HHL. Our team consists of highly motivated MBA and MSc students who are welcoming like-minded peers with an entrepreneurial spirit, a drive to learn about investment, and a desire to make the world a better place through strategic investment in the ideas that will drive innovation.
How to apply
Application deadline: March 24, 2024
We are looking forward to your application!
Venture Capital Club Direct Contact
E-Mail: vcc@hhl.de
Head of Venture Capital Club Initiative
Miles Müller
Tel.: +49 152 9851-9023
E-Mail: miles.mueller@hhl.de
Head of Venture Capital Club Operations
Drew Fleming
Tel.: +49 163 212-7938
E-Mail: drew.fleming@hhl.de
Language and DSGVO:
The conference will be held in English.
In accordance with the GDPR, your data will only be collected for this event and will be deleted within 4 weeks after the conference.
Please note that the conference will be recorded (film and/or photos) and that we will use the material internally and/or externally in compliance with § 23 KunstUrHG and Art. 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR.
Venture Capital Club
The HHL Venture Capital Club provides insights into the world of venture capital through a wide range of events and activities. Our events offer a great opportunity for HHL faculty, current HHL students, HHL alumni and prospective HHL students to connect, learn and exchange. Especially for prospective students, our events are a great chance to meet current HHL students, make first contacts and learn more about HHL and its programs. Interested in further events? Please check the HHL Event Calendar.
Find out more about VCC: hhl.de/vcc and follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram.