Component Guide

This guide contains information on all component that you are able to add to pages

  1. Block: Chatbot
  2. Block: CTA
  3. Block: Downloads
  4. Block: Image Text (full width)
  5. Block: Overview
  6. Block: Quote
  7. Block: Share
  8. Block: Table
  9. Block: Text Image (2 cols)
  10. Block: Block Text Image Crop
  11. Block: Unibuddy - Landing Page
  12. Block: Unibuddy - Slider
  13. Block: Video Text
  14. Block: Wysiwyg
  15. Form: Leads
  16. Grid: Contacts
  17. Grid: Content
  18. Grid: Logos
  19. Grid: Quotes
  20. Grid: Teasers
  21. Hero: BlockArrowCTA
  22. Hero: HeaderMedia
  23. Hero: ImageText
  24. Hero: MediaSlider
  25. Hero: TeaserCta
  26. List: Components
  27. List: Facts
  28. List: Quote
  29. Navigation: Sub
  30. Reusable
  31. Slider: Gallery
  32. Form: Contact

Block: Chatbot

Block: CTA


  • Title Content (Wysiwyg) Recommended characters: 40-60
  • Nav Links (Repeater) Tab style navigation buttons. (optional)
    • Link (Link)
  • Main Content (Wysiwyg) Recommended characters: 100-200
  • CTAs (Repeater)
    • CTA (Link)
    • Button Style (Select)
      • Primary
      • Secondary
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Decoration Top (Select) The decoration shown at the top of the component, 'border' will show the containing bracket. 'line' just the vertical line
    • None
    • Line
    • Border
  • Decoration Bottom (Select) The decoration shown at the bottom of the component, 'border' will show the containing bracket. 'line' just the vertical line
    • None
    • Line
    • Border

Block: Downloads


  • Title (Text) Recommended Characters: 30-60.
  • Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sits above the links and downloads (optional).
  • Show table ? (True_false)
  • Table (Post_object) Please select a table from the dropdown. Tables are created in the JTRT Tables plugin.
  • Table Background Color (Select) Select a background color for the first table column
    • Orange
    • Blue
  • Hide Table Header (True_false)
  • Thin forms? (True_false) Show a thin form for forms with more data.
  • Downloads (Repeater)
    • Type (Button_group)
      • File
      • Link
    • Title (Text) Text that is shown as the link. Recommended Characters: 10-80
    • Link (Url)
    • Download (File) Selectable file upload, most standard file formats supported.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Image Text (full width)


  • Pre Content (Wysiwyg) Free WYSIWYG area. No content restrictions.
  • Desktop Image (Image) Recommended resolution greater than 1200 x 675 px.
  • Mobile Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 390 x 570 px.
  • Content (Wysiwyg) Free WYSIWYG area. No content restrictions.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Overview


  • Header Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sits above the three columns, No content restrictions.
  • Intro Content (Wysiwyg) Content that site above the two columns on the left, but to the right of the call to actions column. No content restrictions
  • Show Columns (True_false) Shows/hides the two content columns on the left.
  • Columns (Group)
    • Left Column Content (Flexible_content) Left column content. Add either an icon, or a WYSIWYG area.
    • Right Column Content (Flexible_content) Right column content. Add either an icon, or a WYSIWYG area.
  • Buttons (Repeater) Repeater field for the buttons on the right of the component.
    • Button Link (Link)
    • Button Style (Select) Choose either Primary (blue background) or Secondary (blue outline).
      • Primary
      • Secondary
  • Links (Repeater) Repeater field for the links on the right of the component.
    • Link (Link)
    • Link Arrow Style (Button_group) Choose the direction of the arrow for the link
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Theme (Select)
    • Dark
    • Light
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Quote


  • Quote Title (Text) An optional heading title that sites above the quote block.
  • Quote (Wysiwyg) The quote, there are no content restrictions here, but use [readmore][/readmore] to allow for longer quotes.
  • Image (Image) Square image for quote, recommended minimum size 320px x 320px
  • Name (Text) Name of quote source. Recommended Characters: 20-80
  • Job Title (Text) Job Title of quote source. Recommended Characters: 20-120
  • Call to Action (Link)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Share

Block: Table


  • Table Background Color (Select) Select a background color for the first table column
    • Orange
    • Blue
  • Hide Table Header (True_false)
  • Thin forms? (True_false) Show a thin form for forms with more data.
  • Table (Post_object) Please select a table from the dropdown. Tables are created in the JTRT Tables plugin.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Text Image (2 cols)


  • Slides (Repeater)
    • Video Link (if there is one) (Url)
    • Image (Image) No fixed image height is required, component can support different image aspect ratios. Recommended minimum image width: 1024px.
      Sample size / e.g.: 1200x675
    • Content (Wysiwyg)
  • Background Color (Select)
    • White
    • Light Blue
    • Blue
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Block Text Image Crop


  • Image Position (Button_group)
  • Video Link (if there is one) (Url)
  • Image (Image) The image is sized according to the text height and gets cropped when resized. Recommended minimum image width: 1024px.
  • Content (Wysiwyg)
  • Background Color (Select)
    • White
    • Light Blue
    • Blue
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Unibuddy - Landing Page


  • Iframe Url (Url)

Block: Unibuddy - Slider


  • University Slug (Select)
    • Students
    • Admitted Candidates

Block: Video Text


  • Optional Overlay (True_false) Choose to show a black gradient over the image.
  • Desktop Poster Image (Image_crop) Poster image that shows before the video is played. Recommended resolution greater than 1200 x 675px.
  • Mobile Poster Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 380 x 570px.
  • Video (Oembed) Video link, just post the full url to the Vimeo or YouTube video here. Correct videos will show a preview bellow.
  • Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sits over the preview image, free content. Recommended Characters: Heading: 10-20, Content: 80-120
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Block: Wysiwyg


  • Content (Wysiwyg) Free content area, no size restrictions.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Form: Leads


  • Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sits on the left of the form.
  • Image (Image)
  • Form (Select) Select the form that you wish to show
    • Event Registration
    • Brochure Download
    • Contact Wish
    • CV Check
    • Gated Content
    • Employment Report
    • Formular Newsletter
  • Accept Privacy Content (Text) Leave it blank if you want to use the default content.
  • Show Stay Up To Date section (True_false)
  • Stay Up To Date Content (Text) Leave it blank if you want to use the default content.
  • Submit Button Title (Text) Leave it blank if you want to use the default content.
  • Campaign Name (Text)
  • Campaign ID (Text)
  • Success Page Link Type (Button_group)
    • Internal
    • Custom Link
  • Link (Page_link) Success page link (internal)
  • Link (Url) Success page link (external)
  • Form Endpoint with SOI (Url) This should either be Salesforce or Pardot endpoint url, if user opted-in.
  • Form Endpoint without SOI (Url) This should either be Salesforce or Pardot endpoint url, if user opted-out.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Grid: Contacts


  • Title (Wysiwyg) Headline title for the component. Recommended Characters: 20-80
  • Hide Contact Details (True_false) Hide the contacts contact datails (phone/email etc)
  • Contacts (Repeater) Repeater that allows for the selection of people created under the people tab.
    • Contact (Post_object)
    • Show Profile? (Button_group)
      • None
      • Link
      • Popup CV
    • CV Link (Url)
    • Open in new Window? (True_false)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Grid: Content


  • Pre Content (Wysiwyg) Content that shows above the grid of content, this content will be centered. No restrictions.
  • Content Type (Button_group) Select the type of content that you want to show.
    • Events
    • Posts
    • Pages
    • Upcoming Events
  • Show CTA (True_false) Show/Hide CTA for each post
  • Slider ? (True_false) If there are more than 3 posts and this is set to true, the module will turn to a slider
  • Selection (Button_group)
    • Latest
    • Manual
    • Category
    • Admin Category
  • Post Tags (Taxonomy) Leave empty to show all posts
  • Event Tags (Taxonomy) Leave empty to show all events
  • Number of posts (Number) Set -1 to get all posts
  • Content (Relationship)
  • Category (Taxonomy)
  • Admin Category (Taxonomy)
  • Link (Link) Link at bottom of component
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Search Box? (True_false)
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Grid: Logos


  • Pre Logo Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sits above the grid of Logos. No restrictions.
  • Logos (Repeater)
    • Logo (Image) Recommended minimum image size: 400px x 150px.
    • Link (Url)
    • title (Text)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Columns (Select)
    • 1 Column
    • 2 Columns
    • 3 Columns
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Grid: Quotes


  • Quote Pre Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sits above the quotes. No content restrictions.
  • Quotes (Repeater) A repeater of Quotes.
    • Quote (Wysiwyg) The quote, there are no content restrictions here. Automatically shows 'read more' button after 4 lines.
    • Image (Image) Square image for quote, recommended minimum size 320px x 320px.
    • Name (Text) Name of quote source. Recommended Characters: 20-80
    • Job Title (Text) Job Title of quote source. Recommended Characters: 20-120
    • Custom Logo Image (Image) Leave this empty to use the LinkedIn logo.
    • Logo Link (Url) Optional link for the logo/profile photo.
    • Call To Action Links (Repeater)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Autoplay ? (True_false)
  • Autoplay Interval (in ms) (Number)
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Grid: Teasers


  • Pre Content (Wysiwyg) Content that blocks above the quotes. No content restrictions.
  • Blocks (Repeater) A repeater of columns or rows.
    • Icon (Image) Optional icon, resizes to 105px wide.
    • Content (Wysiwyg) The content of the row/column. No real restrictions exist but make sure the content in each column is of a similar length.
    • CTA Type (Select)
      • Single Button
      • Group of Buttons
    • Call to Action (Link)
    • Buttons Per Row (Select)
      • 1
      • 2
    • CTA Group (Repeater)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Alignment (Button_group) Choose the alignment of the content.
    • Left
    • Center
  • Layout (Button_group) Choose to show the content as rows or columns.
    • Columns
    • Rows
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Hero: BlockArrowCTA


  • Color Scheme (Select) Choose the background colour.
    • blue
    • gray
    • orange
    • white
  • content (Wysiwyg) The content of the CTA, no specific restrictions, but looks best with a h1/h2 with 30-100 characters before the main copy.
  • Cta (Repeater)
    • Call to Action (Link)
    • Cta Style (Select) The style of the button, primary (blue background) or secondary (blue border)
      • Secondary
      • Primary
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active

Hero: HeaderMedia


  • Content (Wysiwyg)
  • Media Type (Button_group) Choose if the header is a video or a image component.
    • Image
    • Video
  • Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 2000 x 720 px, this image will be the poster image if a video is set.
  • Mobile Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 380 x 570px.
  • Video (Oembed)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Add overlay (True_false)
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Hero: ImageText


  • Optional Overlay (True_false) Choose to show a black gradient over the image.
  • Desktop Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 2000 x 720 px.
  • Mobile Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 380 x 570 px.
  • Content (Wysiwyg) The content that sits over the image. Character Recommendations: Title : 30-100, Content: 80-250.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Hero: MediaSlider


  • Slides (Repeater) Repeater of slides.
    • Content (Tab)
    • Media Type (Button_group) Choose between video and image. If video is chosen a poster image is still required.
      • Image
      • Video
    • Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sit above the image/video. Character Recommendations: Title: 50-70, Content: 100-200
    • Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 2000 x 1160 px, this image will be the poster image if a video is set.
    • Mobile Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 380 x 570px.
    • Video (Oembed) Video link, just post the full url to the Vimeo or YouTube video here. Correct videos will show a preview bellow.
    • Settings (Tab)
    • Add overlay (True_false) Add a gradient overlay to the slide, for lighter slides
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Auto Slide (True_false) Allow the hero slider to auto slide.
  • Auto Slide Speed (Number)
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Hero: TeaserCta


  • Hero Image (Group)
    • Optional Overlay (True_false) Add a gradient overlay to the slide, for lighter images
    • Desktop Image (Image) Recommended resolution greater than 2000 x 1160 px.
    • Mobile Image (Image) Recommended resolution greater than 380 x 620 px.
    • Hero Image Content (Wysiwyg) Content that site above the Image at the top of the component. This is a fairly large area so there is no real content restrictions.
  • Hero Teaser Content (Wysiwyg) Content that sites above the Call to Action columns, no real restrictions.
  • Program Columns (Repeater) Repeater of content columns, can be 2 or 3, design automatically adjusts based on the number
    • Column Title (Wysiwyg) The content that sits above the calls to actions. Character Recommendations: 1 Title: 10-30 characters.
    • CTAs (Repeater)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Decoration Top (Select) The decoration shown at the top of the component, 'border' will show the containing bracket. 'line' just the vertical line
    • None
    • Line
    • Border
  • Decoration Bottom (Select) The decoration shown at the bottom of the component, 'border' will show the containing bracket. 'line' just the vertical line
    • None
    • Line
    • Border
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

List: Components


  • Pre Content (Wysiwyg)

List: Facts


  • Title (Text)
  • Facts (Repeater)
    • Number (Text)
    • Number label (Text)
    • Title (Text)
    • Content (Text)
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Background Color (Select)
    • Dark Blue
    • White
    • Blue

List: Quote


  • Quotes (Repeater) A repeater of the quote blocks.
    • Quote Alignment (Select) Choose the side that the quote sits on.
      • Left
      • Right
    • Quote Byline (Text) The quote Byline, sites above the logo if chosen.
    • Show Brand Logo (True_false) Choose to show either the brand logo, or the brand name as a text field
    • Brand Image (Image) Recommended Resolution: 380px x 150px
    • Brand Title (Text) The brand title, shown if the image is not.
    • Person Image (Image) Square image for quote, recommended minimum size 320px x 320px
    • Person Name (Text) Name of quote source. Recommended Characters: 20-80
    • job Title (Text) Job Title of quote source. Recommended Characters: 20-120
    • Degree (Text) A post fix for the Job title, normally the degree level in the designs (optional). Recommended Characters: 20-120
    • Quote (Wysiwyg) The quote, there are no content restrictions here, but use [readmore][/readmore] to allow for longer quotes.
    • Custom Logo Image (Image) Leave this empty to use the LinkedIn logo.
    • Logo Link (Url) The optional link that the logo and profile image will link to.
    • Call to Action Links (Repeater)
  • End Logo (Image) Recommended image size is 402px x 402px
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both



  • Select Reusable Components (Post_object)

Slider: Gallery


  • Pre Content (Wysiwyg) The content that sits above the slider. No content restrictions
  • Gallery slide (Repeater) A repeater of image of videos
    • Media Type (Button_group) Choose between video and image.
      • Image
      • Video
    • Enable Popup (True_false) Enable the lightbox popup
    • Image (Image_crop) Recommended resolution greater than 380px x 380 px, this image will be the poster image if a video is set.
    • Video (Oembed)
  • Call To Action (Link)
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Autoplay ? (True_false)
  • Autoplay Interval (in ms) (Number)
  • Pictures by slide (Select)
    • Array
  • Show Line Decoration (Button_group) Show/hide the connecting line at the bottom/top/both of the component.
    • None
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Both

Form: Contact


  • Form Content (Wysiwyg)
  • Contact Form 7 Form (Post_object) If there is no form available, please first create a suitable one in the Contact Form 7 admin page.
  • Component Title (Text) Title shown in navigation and in the backend, doesn't show on the frontend (other than in the Sub Navigation)
  • Component Anchor (Text) Use this anchor to link directly to this section. E.g. enter 'gallery' to be able to link to Do NOT enter the '#' symbol.
  • Hide Component (True_false) Hide the component, when this option is active
  • Decoration Top (Select) The decoration shown at the top of the component, 'border' will show the containing bracket. 'line' just the vertical line
    • None
    • Line
    • Border
  • Decoration Bottom (Select) The decoration shown at the bottom of the component, 'border' will show the containing bracket. 'line' just the vertical line
    • None
    • Line