HHL Sneak Peek (online): Which Way to Go? Strategic Scenarios for Consulting Engineers in Times of High Uncertainty


Continuing Education Group


Online via Zoom, 06.00-07.00 pm (CET)


February 15, 2022



You are interested in an international and top-ranked Master in Management or MBA Program?

Then seize the opportunity and broaden your view! HHL invites you to a virtual Sneak Peek on “Which way to go? Strategic scenarios for consulting engineers” with Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf and part-time MBA alumnus Jeffrey Seeck (P4).

In this taster lecture, we present the result of a scenario study that Prof. Dr. Torsten Wulf, Academic Director of HHL’s Center for Strategy and Scenario Planning, and Jeffrey Seeck, Head of the Future Trends Committee of the European Federation of Consulting Engineering Associations (EFCA), conducted on the dynamic changes in the European construction industry. Learn more on an important industry and discuss the future prospects of this industry with us.


  • 6.00 p.m.: Welcome and short introduction
  • 6.10 p.m.: Webinar on “Which way to go? Strategic scenarios for consulting engineers in times of high uncertainty”
  • 6.50 p.m.: Open Q&A session where you can ask all your questions regarding our programs and the lecture
  • 7.00 p.m.: End

The event language is English.
Your participation is free of charge. Please register for the virtual lecture via our online registration platform top right. We look forward to chatting with you!

HHL Sneak Peek
With the virtual Sneak Peek series we want to give potential HHL students an insight into the program content and teaching style at HHL. At the same time, these events offer the opportunity to meet HHL professors, make first contacts and learn more about HHL and its master programs.
Interested in further events of the virtual Sneak Peek series? Please check the HHL Event Calendar.