Student Life at HHL
My First Months as a Full-Time Master in Management Student
Each year we invite the new first-years to kick-off the new semester with a Welcome Week on campus. The week provides the new students with a chance to connect with other students, enjoy student life and meet the faculty and staff. For today’s blog post we asked full-time Master in Management student Moritz K. Hagemann to write about his first months at HHL.
Experiencing student life at HHL
The HHL staff made it extremely easy for us to settle in at HHL and in Leipzig. During the introductory weeks, I was able to get to know all my fellow students and some professors in a casual setting. But I also owe my uncomplicated start at HHL to my HHL buddy Pauline, who is a Dean’s List scholar as well. She supported me in all matters and invited me straight away to a bunch of HHL events.
Supportive study environment among new student
What positively surprised me was the degree of mutual support among my fellow students. We shared our Excel models and preparation material for consulting interviews with each other and gave feedback to case presentations of other groups even at late hours.
Students profit from each other’s professional experience
The group projects also showcased the high diversity of HHL students: there is always someone with previous experience in a specific field, be it omnichannel marketing, data modeling or corporate valuation.
Dean’s Scholarship honors outstanding prospective students
It is an incredible honor to be selected as one of the few Deans List scholars at such a competitive and prestigious business school. I am deeply grateful to HHL and our Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner for the trust placed in me and the enormous opportunities that the scholarship provides. For one thing, the scholarship grants me financial independence and allows me to finance my studies at HHL by myself.
Scholarship enriches student life beyond financial support
More important, however, is the network and the non-material support that is linked to receiving the scholarship. Having access to exclusive events and the chance to meet high-profile business leaders and remarkable personalities, allow for even more enriching learnings, greater personal growth and valuable reflection.
This unique scholarship aims to reward the most outstanding prospective students for the HHL community. The top candidates admitted to our programs will be personally selected by the Dean to join the exclusive Dean’s List circle.
Dean’s List candidates receive a scholarship for 50% of the tuition fees for the chosen program. Additionally, scholarship holders will be invited to a yearly dinner with Dean Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner and additional networking opportunities. You will become part of a group of high achievers with plenty opportunities for experience exchange.
Learn about the application process for the HHL Dean’s List Scholarship.
Becoming a lifetime representative of HHL
Furthermore, by joining the Dean’s List circle, one also becomes a lifetime representative of HHL. For me, being awarded this scholarship thus implies an extensive responsibility. A responsibility to use the opportunities offered by the scholarship in accordance with HHL’s values. A responsibility to demonstrate leadership, to perform exceptionally well and to give back, in the context of my studies and beyond, to the HHL community and to society as a whole.
Having already met the other scholars, I am excited to see what is yet to come and what all of us will be able to achieve in the future.
More student experiences
From dual study program to international business school
Prior to my master’s studies, I studied the RSW-Auditing (Rechnungswesen, Steuern und Wirtschaftsrecht) dual study program at DHBW (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württenberg). The RSW-Auditing is an intensive program focused on accounting, taxation & business law. After this “Audit-Bootcamp” at PwC, I was looking for a renowned master’s program that would enable me to enhance my finance and accounting skills with state-of-the-art insights from strategy, management and entrepreneurship.
Furthermore, the opportunity to gain international experience was important for me as it was quite difficult to incorporate a semester abroad into my strictly scheduled dual study curriculum. Once I learned about HHL, it just seemed like the perfect match.
Casual atmosphere and supportive culture among students
Besides the hard criteria mentioned above, I liked the casual atmosphere on campus and the supportive culture among the students, which I was able to experience right away on the HHL Admission Day in March, defying all business school cliches.
Alumni speak passionately about life as a student at HHL
A lucky coincidence finally confirmed my positive expectations: During the application process I started my internship at PwC Management Consulting and as it turned out, my project manager was an HHL alumnus. It was very inspiring to hear him reminisce about his time in Leipzig and how HHL had shaped his way. And it showed me, that there is really no place where you won’t run into HHL students!
“Every week a different prestigious consultancy, start-up or private equity fund came to HHL, offering case studies, workshops or networking sessions.”
Company events with prestigious consultancies, start-ups and private equity funds
Looking back at my first months at HHL, it is not easy to pick a single highlight since so much happened in the first weeks. Apart from the many exciting anecdotes from renowned professors and the start of the various student initiatives, I was particularly impressed by the number and quality of talks and company events that took place. Every week a different prestigious consultancy, start-up or private equity fund came to HHL, offering case studies, workshops or networking sessions.
Chance to network and speak to industry leaders
Perhaps the most impressive moment happened at an event arranged by Stern Stewart & Co, who co-hosted our problem solving & communication lecture. After our final case presentation the managing partner of SSCO, Markus Pertl, took the time to answer all our questions and I had the opportunity to talk to him about his experiences in dealing with board members of DAX companies.
Lectures seamlessly adapted to hybrid model
Since Leipzig was spared from the second wave of infections in September, I was fortunate to attend a large part of the courses on campus at the beginning of the semester. The hybrid model worked very well for me, the coordination was seamless, and the professors adapted their lectures to the changed circumstances.
“The hybrid model worked very well for me, the coordination was seamless, and the professors adapted their lectures to the changed circumstances.”
Working from home frees up time
Personally, I even found it pleasant to work completely from home on one or two days a week and save myself the commute to campus. What I found very helpful was that we were still able to meet in small groups for our cases and therefore did not have to completely refrain from social interaction. Hopefully, depending on the development of the pandemic, we might soon be able to return to this hybrid model.
To really experience Leipzig to the fullest, I recommend future students also move outside the “HHL bubble” from time to time. I was extremely lucky to meet incredibly talented artists, musicians and activists from Leipzig by chance who make Leipzig the culturally vibrant place that it is.