Part time student convincing boss
Are you looking to lift your career to next level with a part-time program at HHL but you don't know how to start the conversation with your boss? We keep…
The best piece of advice always comes from someone who´s been in your shoes and managed to deal with the situation successfully. That´s why we are sharing the experience and…
Those looking for an entrepreneurial MBA should take a look at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Germany. With an inherent entrepreneurial spirit, Andile Gula-Ndebele shares his plan to…
Alexander Vogeler is currently finishing his studies at HHL with his semester abroad at Woxsen University in India. Learn about his reasons for choosing this country for his study-abroad experience…
Spending a semester abroad will surely become a highlight of your studies. See what our students tell about their experiences and how the international relations department supported them along the…
2 international female MBA students talking about something
It’s no surprise that HHL Leipzig is consistently named the most entrepreneurial university in Germany. Dr. Maurice Steinhoff, Co-founder and Managing Director of the HHL DIGITAL SPACE, talks about the…
Jan Schrempf gaining abroad experience at NTU in Singapore
Jan Schrempf is a part-time MBA student at HHL and currently working as Business Partner Controlling at Bosch. Today, Jan shares his experience abroad at the Nanyang Technological University -…
Part Time MBA Students holding HHL Letters
As a part-time student at HHL, you must be able to do one thing above all: Time management. This is the only way to maintain your work-life-study balance. We have…
Skyline of Leipzig
From cultural heritage to job prospects and work visas, here are five key benefits of studying an MBA in Germany, and especially in Leipzig!…
Successstory of HHL Alumnus Christian Klemenz founder of Die Bierothek
An entrepreneurial mindset is key when building a startup from scratch! Get inspired by the success story of our alumnus Christian Klemenz and his company Die Bierothek®.
MBA Students With Finance Interest talking about something in a n HHL lecture hall
There are many career paths in the finance sector, but which one is right for you? Find out the skills you need for a career in corporate finance as well…
Deciding to study for a Master's degree is associated with many questions, especially as an international student: Today, we break down how you can successfully get your parents on board…

Read more about this category: Campus Life & Study

Studying at HHL Graduate School of Management comes with many new opportunities and allows you to grow your business network. Read about student life on campus, semester abroad experiences and career development opportunities. HHL offers a full-time and part-time MBA program as well as a full-time and part-time Master in Management. For leaders and executives, there are a variety of Executive Education programs available. Read about student success stories, get a feeling for the program content and catch up on ways to uplift your career.