Start-up Story: Pater Dr. Dr. Justinus Pech from Monastic Dry Gin
Pater Dr. Dr. Justinus Pech – Founder and Managing Director at Monastic Dry Gin
In 2018, HHL alumnus Pater Justinus Pech founded the start-up Monastic Dry Gin. Its gin is made in silence in the Helfta Monastery from juniper with a selection of coriander, ginger root and lemon balm. It combines the knowledge of a centuries-old European monastery his- tory with the modern techniques of gin production.
Monastic Gin made in silence
The purpose of the product is the common good – on the one hand is the pleasure of drinking and enjoying the gin, as P. Justinus describes it “there were a lot of great moments in my life that started with a good glass of gin” and on the other hand selling the product itself helps to preserve and promote the monastery in its structures and social activities.
The proceeds from the Monastic Dry Gin sales help to preserve and promote the monastery in its structures and social activities.
Executive coaching with a focus on leadership ethics
When P. Justinus hired his very first employee, he still remembers how happy he was “when [he] looked into a face filled with joy about having been given the opportunity of becoming part of the Monastic Dry Gin journey.” In 2015, P. Justinus founded the “Institut für Führungsethik” (Institute for Leadership Ethics) in Bochum, which he has since led, and which focuses on coaching executives as well as designing and running seminars on leadership related topics.
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Pater Justinus teaches Authentic Leadership at HHL
As teaching is part of Pater Justinus’ DNA, he is not only educating his employees on how to further grow their business or designing and carrying out workshops as part of his institute, but he is also teaching students at HHL on the topic of authentic leadership. Having acquired a PhD in marketing at HHL and another one in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Pater Justinus is like a bouquet of flowers filled with knowledge and marvelous stories.
Gintasting at Helfta Monastery
So, in case you are in and around Leipzig this summer, why don’t you join him during one of his gin boat tasting tours on Lake Cospuden to hear more about his passion for gin and entrepreneurship. It’ll for sure be a gintastic experience.