HHL Among the Top Universities for Auditing
Seal of Quality Awarded by Manager Magazin and WGMB
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management was certified to be one of “Germany’s best universities for the subject of auditing 2020/21” by manager magazin in collaboration with the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (WGMB, Scientific Society for Management and Consulting). The seal of quality is awarded by more than 50 auditing firms and about 900 of their clients. HHL ranked in the top ten of the more than 60 universities that were evaluated, thereby achieving an “excellent” rating.
“This university ranking is the first to provide an empirical, well-founded quality assessment of the auditing training in Germany”
HHL achieves “excellent” rating in “Firm’s Favorites” category
The quality seal is valid for two years and is meant to serve as a guide for students. This year’s edition of the manager magazin ranking identified the best auditors and reviewed the academic education options. In the “Firms’ Favorites” category, HHL was named “excellent” following the assessment of the auditing firms.
“This university ranking is the first to provide an empirical, well-founded quality assessment of the auditing training in Germany”, says Bianka Knoblach, study leader and CEO of the WGMB.
Best qualification for students on their career path in auditing
The auditors surveyed as part of the study named not only expertise and business competencies but also the ability to work in a structured and methodical way as well as extensive communication skills as criteria for employment. For the study, experienced executives, mainly from the fields of financial management and accounting were asked to name three universities providing the best qualification for students on their career path. The ranking was compiled from the 62 listed universities. The respondents were also free to name further universities.
“HHL also specifically focuses on project management skills as well as the latest trends in accounting and auditing.”
Small graduate school can be serious competition for the big universities
Prof. Dr. Henning Zülch from the Chair of Accounting and Auditing at HHL comments,
“With the education it offers, HHL hits the nerve of the auditing industry. In addition to extensive training in the field of general management, the school also specifically focuses on project management skills as well as the latest trends in accounting and auditing — both in theory and in practical application.
Beyond that, the students’ social competence plays a deciding factor at HHL. This accolade shows that a small graduate school can be serious competition for the big universities through its strong innovative power and a targeted selection of topics in its range of courses.”

Hello, I'm Jana. I have been working for HHL for almost 20 years and know the DNA of our university very well. As the Director of Program Marketing I´m here for you to answer all questions about our Master's programs, including the General Management Track, our Finance Track and Entrepreneurship Track. Feel free to reach out to me. I am more than happy to assist!