How medical leadership programs provide the skills to advance in your career
Executive Education for Experts in Medicine and Health Care
With the program “Leadership for Experts in Medicine and Health Care” we provide a unique combination of business education combined with the latest state-of-the-art knowledge in the medical science and health care sector.
The course is small and very interactive, providing a fantastic setting to gain an overview of business management and leadership skills. Additionally, health care practitioners learn how to integrate a business mindset into the management of a patient-oriented medical institution.

“I am implementing a lot of this valuable leadership knowledge, such as: how to manage, organize, schedule, plan, set priorities, communicate and negotiate.”
Leadership program for medical professionals
The program is part of HHL’s Executive Education program and consists of six, 3-day modules and includes courses like Innovation, Change Management, Strategy and Leadership. The health care experts are introduced to a business management skillset that helps them gain a basic understanding of how a business functions.
From Executive Education to Part-time MBA
Interview with Senior Physician for Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery at the Helios Bördeklinik
Program graduate Dr. Ali Bahsoun is the Senior Physician for Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery at the Helios Bördeklinik in Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt/Germany). As his career progressed he was confronted with increasing responsibilities and the challenge to not only care for his patient’s well-being but also manage an expanding health care eco-system. The Executive Education leadership program prepared him for these challenges and provided valuable business management teachings.
What made you decide on the Executive Education program?
The idea of enrolling in the “Leadership for Experts in Medicine and Health Care” program was heavily influenced by my personal, academic, and professional path. Eight years ago, after completing my Diploma in General Medicine and my Bachelor’s Degree in Political and Administrative Sciences, I left my home country Lebanon.
I moved to Germany to specialize in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. The thrilling part was getting introduced to a new culture, a new language – and above all – new challenges. Along with leaving home, friends and family, this was my first valuable lesson in life.

The participants appreciate the top-class professors and lecturers at HHL Executive Education, the small groups, the interactive setting and the university atmosphere.
Medical experts benefit from the leadership program
After completing my specialization, I started working, building my career, climbing the professional ladder, and reaching higher positions. Still, it always felt like I was missing something. With higher position came higher responsibilities, the kind that I was not taught about in medical school or at the hospital. In January 2019, I joined Helios Kliniken GmbH as a senior physician and vice head of the plastic surgery department.
In such a big group like Helios, it was not difficult to realize that nowadays, it is no longer only about how you “operate”. For the medical industry is no longer just a patient-physician relationship. Rather, it is a huge complex of companies working and communicating together. Many sectors are involved: pharmaceutics, medical industries, tech-companies, digitalization, programming, artificial intelligence, insurance, authorities, and others—on local, national, and international levels.
If you decide to advance in your career depending on experience alone, you will climb slower. I realized that I was only going to sufficiently benefit from my experience on an advanced level through an academic route.
The “Leadership for Experts in Medicine and Health Care” program at HHL Executive Education aims at experienced managers in the hospital and health care sector. In our program, busy senior physicians and managers learn in compact 6 modules very practice-oriented, manifold aspects of the topic “Leadership”. In their daily practice, there is often so little time to deal with the relevant topics that participants are grateful to be able to dive deep into the individual leadership topics here at HHL. In our Leadership Program, however, everything revolves around the hospital and healthcare industry, as the participants come from this sector.
We make sure to provide a unique combination of a business education combined with the latest state-of-the-art knowledge in the medical science and health care sector. In order to do this most effectively, we are being supported by the Leipzig Heart Institute, a renowned organization within cardiovascular education, practice and research. A field trip to Madrid with visits to innovative hospitals and medical facilities completes the Leadership Program.
Which contents from the leadership program could you already use in your professional life?
One of the best things about both the Executive Education program as well as the part-time MBA is the ability to directly employ learned knowledge and skills in day-to-day life. In my professional career as a senior physician, I am implementing a lot of this valuable leadership knowledge, such as: how to manage, organize, schedule, plan, set priorities, communicate and negotiate.
Additional skills include how to use structural thinking to solve problems, analyze inputs, process them and make decisions. Most importantly, I have been seeking to add value to my work, with the goal of presenting high-quality service to my clients (in my case: patients) and high efficiency to my team, superiors and the whole institution.
From Executive Education to Part-time MBA
Graduates can continue with a part-time MBA
The participants appreciate the top-class professors and lecturers at HHL Executive Education, the small groups, the interactive setting and the university atmosphere. After finishing their executive education program, some are so enthusiastic about the regular modules and discussions with the professors and participants at HHL that they want to delve deeper into management and leadership topics. To learn more about how you can apply your knowledge and credits in a part-time MBA, read our second interview with Dr. Ali Bahsoun.
This interview was first published in November 2020.